退休教師 王子堅教授









電子郵件帳號 tcvwg@mail.cgu.edu.tw


研究室現有: 博士後研究員  0  

博士班研究生  1 

碩士班研究生  0  

專任研究助理  1 

大學部專題生  0 




Role of hnRNP A/Bs in the regulation of telomerase and telomere maintenance.

Functional telomeres protect chromosomal ends from DNA degradation and unwantedrecombination, and are known to play an important role in cellular senescence. While telomerase and telomere-associated proteins are known to involve in the maintenance of functional telomeres, little is known if heterogeneous ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) may function in telomere maintenance. We have shown recently that hnRNPs are the most abundant proteins in the nuclear extracts that bound specifically to G-strand telomeric DNA. The findings that many of these hnRNPs inhibits telomerase in vitro and the fact that hnRNPs are integral components of the nuclear matrix suggest that hnRNPs can participate in the control of telomerase activity and in telomere maintenance in vivo. Currently, we are investigating the biological role of hnRNP A/Bs in the control of telomerase activity and telomere length maintenance in human cells.





1Huang, P.R., Yeh, Y.M., Pao, C.C., Chen, C.Y., Wang, T. V. *(2012) N-(1-Pyrenyl) maleimide inhibits telomerase activity in a cell free system Molecular Biology Reports 39:8899-8905(ImpactFactor:2.024,Rank:202/290,Categories:Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

2Dong, Y.M. ; Chien, K.Y. ; Chen, J.T. ; Lin, S.J. ; Wang, T.C.V. ; Yu, J.S.* (2013) Site-specific separation and detection of phosphopeptide isomers with pH-mediated stacking capillary electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science 36:1582-1589.(Impact Factor:2.737, Rank:21/74, Categories:Chemistry, Analytical )

3Yeh, Y.M., Huang, K.Y., Gan, R.R., Huang, H.D., Wang, T.C.V., Tang, P.* (2013) Phosphoproteome Profiling of the sexually transmitted pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis Journal of Microbiology Immunology and Infection 46:366-373. (Impact Factor:2.349, Rank:95/148, Categories:Immunology)


4Chen, C.Y. ; Yan, S.C. ; Lee, K.H. ; Yang, X.M. ; Wei, L.Y. ; Chow, L.P. ; Wang, T.C.V. ; Hong, T.M. ; Lin, J.C. ; Kuan, C. ; Yang, P.C.* (2014) The Antitumor Agent PBT-1 Directly Targets HSP90 and hnRNP A2/B1 and Inhibits Lung Adenocarcinoma Growth and Metastasis. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 57:677-685.( Impact Factor:5.447, Rank:3/59, Categories:Chemistry, Medicinal)

5Yeh, Y.M.; chen, .CY. ; Huang, P.R. ; Hsu, C.W.; Wu,C.C .; Wang, T.C.V. * (2014) Proteomic analyses of genes regulated by heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A/Bs in Jurkat cells Proteomics 14:1357-1366. (Impact Factor:3.807,Rank:84/290, Categories:Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

6Huang, P.R., Hung, S.C., Pao, C.C., Wang, T.C.V. * (2015) N-(1-Pyrenyl)Maleimide Induces Bak Oligomerization and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Jurkat Cells.BioMed Research International 2015:1-10 (Impact Factor:1.579,Rank:107/16,Categories: Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology)

7Chen,C.Y., Yu, Z.Y., Chuang, Y. S., Huang, R. M., Wang, T. C.* (2015) Sulforaphane attenuates EGFR signaling in NSCLC cells. Journal of Biomedical Science 22:1-9 (Impact Factor:2.763, Rank:50/123, Categories:Medicine, Research& Experimental)

8Chi-Yuan Chen, Chia-Ing Jan, Wen-Chieh Pi, Wen-Lung Wang, Pan-Chyr Yang, Tong-Hong Wang, Rotem Karni, Tzu-Chien V. Wang* (2016) Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A1 and A2 modulate expression of Tid1 isoforms and EGFR signaling in non-small cell lung cancer. Oncotarget DOI:10.18632/oncotarget.7606.(Impact Factor:6.359, Rank:21/211,Categories:Oncology)