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Dr. Chia-Lin Wu

Chia-Lin Wu

Appointment : Professor

LabLearning and Memory Laboratory

Education : Ph.D.

University/NationNational Tsing Hua University/Taiwan

Tel: 03-211-8800#5159

E-mail : clwu@mail.cgu.edu.tw

Research website : http://clwu88.wix.com/chialinwu-lab

Research interests:

Memories make us who we are. Many people suffering from brain dysfunctions have difficulties even to remember and recognize themselves since the serious memory lost. The memory lost (amnesia) caused by aging, neurodegeneration, or diseases greatly affects the quality of life in the patients. Therefore, understanding how memories are formed and encoded in our brain will be one of the most important things in neuroscience field. However, how the memory is processed, consolidated, stored, and retrieved in the brain still a mystery. The human brain is too complex which contains more than 100-billion of neurons and more than trillion of synapses. We use Drosophila melanogaster as a model to study memories, where the relatively small brain (~130,000 neurons) with powerful and sophisticated genetic tools that allowed us to manipulate the functions in specific populations of brain neurons in a living animal. Drosophila melanogaster can be trained to associated a specific odor with a specific punitive or rewarded signals to form memories. In our lab, we use whole-mount brain immunohistochemistry, live calcium brain imaging, and behavioral assays to dissect the neural circuits and molecular mechanisms that are required for memory formation in Drosophila. The experimental results from Drosophila could pave the way for understanding how memory is processed in the animal brain.



  1. Chen SL, Liu BT, Lee WP, Liao SB, Deng YB, Wu CL, Ho SM, Shen BX, Khoo GH, Shiu WC, Chang CH, Shih HW, Wen JK, Lan TH, Lin CC, Tsai YC, Tzeng HF, Fu TF. (2022). WAKE-mediated modulation of cVA perception via a hierarchical neuro-endocrine axis in Drosophila male-male courtship behaviour. Nature Communications, 13:2518/ doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-30165-2
  2. Chiang MH, Ho SM, Wu HY, Lin YC, Tsai WH, Wu T, Lai TH, Wu CL. (2022). Drosophila Model for Studying Gut Microbiota in Behaviors and Neurodegenerative Diseases. Biomedicines, Mar; 10, 596. doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines10030596.
  3. Lee WP, Chiang MH, Chang LY, Shyu WH, Chiu TH, Fu TF, Wu T, Wu CL. (2021). Serotonin Signals Modulate Mushroom Body Output Neurons for Sustaining Water-Reward Long-Term Memory in Drosophila. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Nov 11; 9:755574.
  4. Hsu CY, Yeh JY, Chen CY, Wu HY, Chiang MH, Wu CL, Lin HJ, Chiu CH, Lai CH. (2021). Helicobacter pylori cholesterol-α-glucosyltransferase manipulates cholesterol for bacterial adherence to gastric epithelial cells. Virulence, Dec;12(1):2341-2351.
  5. Cheng KC, Chen YH, Wu CL, Lee WP, Cheung CHA, Chiang HC. (2021).Rac1 and Akt Exhibit Distinct Roles in Mediating Aβ-Induced Memory Damage and Learning Impairment. Molecular Neurobiology, Jul 17. doi: 10.1007/s12035-021-02471-1.
  6. Lee WP, Chiang MH, Chang LY, Lee JY, Tsai YL, Chiu TH, Chiang HC, Fu TF, Wu T, Wu CL*. (2020) Mushroom body subsets encode CREB2-dependent water-reward long-term memory in Drosophila. PLOS Genetics, 16(8): e1008963. (*corresponding author).
  7. Lien WY, Chen YT, Li YJ, Wu JK, Huang KL, Lin JR, Lin SC, Hou CC, Wang HD, Wu CL, Huang SY, Chan CC*. (2020). Lifespan regulation in α/β posterior neurons of the fly mushroom bodies by Rab27. Aging Cell, e13179 doi 10.1111/acel.13179.
  8. Shyu WH, Lee WP, Chiang MH, Chang CC, Fu TF, Chiang HC, Wu T, Wu CL* (2019). Electrical synapses between mushroom body neurons are critical for consolidated memory retrieval in Drosophila. PLOS Genetics, 15(5): e1008153. (*corresponding author).
  9. Sneapati B, Tsao CH, Juan YA, Chiu TH, Wu CL, Waddell S, Lin S*. (2019). A neural mechanism for deprivation state-specific expression of relevant memories in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience, 22(12): 2029-2039.
  10. Chen YR, Li YH, Hsieh TC, Wang CM, Cheng KC, Wang L, Lin TY, Cheung CHA, Wu CL, Chiang H* (2019). Aging-induced Akt activation involves in aging-related pathologies and Aβ-induced toxicity. Aging Cell, 18(4) e12989.
  11. Chi KC, Tsai WC, Wu CL, Lin TY, Hueng DY (2019). An adult Drosophila glioma model for studying pathometabolic pathways of gliomagenesis. Molecular Neurobiology, 56(6): 4589-4599.
  12. Lien HM, Wu HY, Hung CL, Chen CJ, Wu CL, Chen KW, Huang CL, Chang SJ, Chen CC, Lin HJ, Lai CH* (2019). Antibacterial activity of ovatodiolide isolated from Anisomeles indica against Helicobacter pylori. Scientific Reports, (9)1: 4205. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40735-y.
  13. Wu CL*, Chang CC, Wu JK, Chiang MH, Yang CH, Chiang HC (2018). Mushroom body glycolysis is required for olfactory memory in Drosophila. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 150: 13-19 (*corresponding author).
  14. Chen YA, Tzeng D TW, Huang YP, Lin CJ, Lo UG, Wu CL, Lin H, Hsieh JT, Tang CH, Lai CH* (2018). Antrocin sensitizes prostate cancer cells to radiotherapy through inhibiting PI3K/AKT and MAPK signaling pathways. Cancers, 11(1): 34. doi 10.3390/cancers11010034.
  15. Chen YAShih HWLin YCHsu HYWu TFTsai CHWu CLWu HYHsieh JTTang CHLai CH* (2018). Simvastatin sensitizes radioresistant prostate cancer cells by compromising DNA double-strand break repair. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9: 600.
  16. Ji XR, Cheng KC, Chen YR, Lin TY, Cheung CHA, Wu CL, Chiang HC* (2018). Dysfunction of different cellular degeneration pathways contributes to specific β-amyloid42-induced pathologies. FASEB Journal, 32(3): 1375-1387. 
  17. Yang CN, Wu MF, Liu CC, Jung WH, Chang YC, Lee WP, Shiao YJ, Wu CL, Liou HH, Lin SK, Chan CC* (2017) Differential protective effects of connective tissue growth factor against Aβ neurotoxicity on neurons and glia. Human Molecular Genetics, 26(20): 3909-3921.
  18. Shyu WH, Chiu TH, Chiang MH, Cheng YC, Tsai YL, Fu TF, Wu T, Wu CL* (2017). Neural circuits for long-term water-reward memory processing in thirsty Drosophila. Nature Communications, 8: 15230; doi: 10.1038/ncomms15230 (*corresponding author).
  19. Chen SL, Chen YH, Wang CC, Yu YW, Tsai YC, Hsu HW, Wu CL, Wang PY, Chen LC, Lan TH*, Fu TF* (2017). Active and passive sexual roles that arise in Drosophila male-male courtship are modulated by dopamine levels in PPL2ab neurons. Scientific Reports, 7:44595/doi:10.1038/srep44595.
  20. Yang CH, Shih MF M, Chang CC, Chiang MH, Shih HW, Tsai YL, Chiang AS, Fu TF, Wu CL* (2016). Additive expression of consolidated memory through Drosophila mushroom body subsets. PLOS Genetics, 12(5): e1006061 (*corresponding author).
  21. Wu CL*, Fu TF, Chiang MH, Chang YW, Her JL, Wu T (2016). Magnetoreception regulates male courtship activity in Drosophila. PLOS One, 11(5): e0155942 (*corresponding author).



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